Upgrade Aimee to make her your personal expert. Give Aimee your documents, keep an AI-supported journal, save your chats and share access with your Team.

$30/mo $15/mo

for first 90 days.

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Ask More.

  • What do our orders say about this?
    Can you find examples of this in our communications?
    Is this a violation of my protection order?
  • When did I tell you about that incident? 
  • What evidence do I have for a modification?
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Chat with Aimee

Standard AI Model

Cutting-Edge AI Model

Controlling message review / response

Save and continue chats

Upload and chat about your documents, court orders + more

Document and journal with support from Aimee

Collaborate with your team

Automatic upgrade to new features

Always Free


$15/mo (for 90 days)

Get More

With Aimee Says More, Aimee remembers, understands, reads, and shares.



Aimee uses the most advanced AI model for more accurate and insightful analysis and support.


Aimee Remembers

Aimee saves conversations so you can pick up where you left off, and keep her ideas in one place.

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Aimee Understands

Aimee helps you document incidents, talk through pain and celebrate progress.




Aimee reads the records and documents that tell your story. Search your records through natural chat.




Aimee shares her expertise with your support team to build understanding in your real life.
